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November 15, 2021

In Motion

The winter surf season is waking up here on the North Shore of Oahu and people are finding their way back here. It is always amazing to think that with every new storm comes a new swell that will create waves that hundreds of people want to ride. 

The swells that impact our island move through deep water and all the power that comes with them hit our shores. It is these powerful waves in motion that bring people together for the same purpose and the same goal.

Just like these waves that travel hundreds and sometimes thousands of miles, I am reminded that all of us are in motion. I’ve often wondered where the swell goes after it passes our islands. Are they as strong or stronger because of our water temperatures? Are people as stoked by the waves as we are?

You see as waves and swells have a clear direction, so do people.  We are all moving in one direction or another. Peter, one of Jesus’ followers, gives us a truth that we all can use to help us navigate while we are in motion. He says that “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, in order that you may proclaim the mighty acts of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).

As followers of Jesus, we are no longer moving into darkness; our swell direction has changed. We were once people without a purpose and now we have a purpose. We were once defined by where we were and now we are defined by where we are going. We too, like the waves that come from deep waters, can make a huge impact. Like a swell that has traveled hundreds, if not, thousands of miles to become a rideable wave, we too are going to impact the shorelines of many beaches. We are one tribe. We are one nation. We are a royal priesthood of surfers who must speak of the mighty acts of the one who moved us out of darkness and into His marvelous light.